Next Five Upcoming Events

Desert Willow - Mountain View

04/06/25 10:25AM

Indian Canyon South Course

04/09/25 8:00AM

Mission Hills CC - Arnold Palmer Signature

04/10/25 10:30AM

Indian Canyons North Course

04/11/25 2:00PM

Indian Canyon South Course

04/12/25 8:00AM

News and Information

Rainbow Challenge 2025


R.C. '25 Social Events



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Golf Shots

  • Turing Cup 2024 @ Classic Club. Jake Daly, Celine Cooper, Agueda Sanchez, and Greg Baldwin
  • Celebrating Ken Kuchma's Hole in One. Classic Club event April 2, 2024. Also pictured Greg Baldwin and Deb Knowles.
  • Congratulations to Stonewall members for winning at the 2025 Sin City Classic.
  • Steve Innes won gold at the Gay Games Guadalajara 2023. Congrats Steve!
  • Desert Island CC. Members enjoying a beautiful day of golf. (L to R) DJ Johnson, Karen Daniels, Melissa Berninger, and Celine Cooper.
  • Members enjoying a round at Chambers Bay, in Washington State. Greg Baldwin, Treasurer, Deb Knowles, Director, Anthony Koch, Member, Melissa Berninger, President
  • We don't only play golf. Here we are, Darryl, Mike, Charlie, Susan, and Deb after braving 45 minutes of treacherous terrain to hear a loud Trump brigade play urban hip-hop on top of Utah. Who knew?
  • Tom Flynn, Mike Bonne, and Allen Weaver waiting for gold medalist Steven Innes to tee off on Mountain Vista - San Gorgonio on November 11, 2023
  • Karen Daniels competing for our closest to the pin contest. And all of the golf courses look like this from November through June.

About Us

Stonewall Golfers is a group of gay and lesbian golfers based in Palm Springs, California. The organization was started in 2000 and has grown to over 130 active members, with over 270 website profiles. We exist to schedule, participate in and enjoy regular golf and social events and to provide desert residents and visitors with gay and lesbian golfing companions in a friendly environment.

We hold at least 3 events per month and several major tournaments per year including our popular Rainbow Challenge. The club also organizes scramble tournaments throughout the year. We welcome members and non-members to all golf outings.

Stonewall Golfers supports local, social service based non-profit 501(c)(3) charities that recognize and meet the needs of the LGBT community. We make two monetary charitable donations per calendar year (one in mid-June and one in mid-December), subject to available funds, in equal amounts to (1) The LGBT Community Center of the Desert, and (2) FIND Food Bank (through The Community Food Bank @ The Center). More detailed info is available at

Stonewall Golfers conducts the majority of its communications via email. Feel free to email us at

For matters that require postal mail, our address is Stonewall Golfers, PO Box 2891, Palm Springs, CA 92263-2891.

Club Officers


Melissa Berninger, President

Melissa joined Stonewall in 2016. She was Treasurer from 2018-2023, until becoming President in 2023. Her number one priority is to make sure everyone who plays with Stonewall feels welcome and enjoys playing with such a wonderful group of people. Professionally, Melissa is a CFO for an import distribution company based out of Los Angeles and brings her business/financial knowledge to operating Stonewall. When not playing golf Melissa enjoys spending time with her dog and travel.

Greg Baldwin, Treasurer

Greg has successfully been CEO of his own businesses, and is keenly aware of an organizations financial health and well-being. His first tournament was the 2019 Rainbow Challenge, which was by far our largest success in generating charitable funds for the LGBT Community Center of the Desert, and for the players. Every year, under Greg's stewardship, the Rainbow Challenge has contributed more and more to charity and gotten even better organized.

Karen Daniels, Board Member/Website Master

Karen has been with Stonewall over 10 years and has spent most of that time serving on the board and volunteering for the organization. She also started the Women of Stonewall Scramble that is held twice a year.

Mike Wilkinson, Board Member

Mike joined Stonewall in 2019. He was Secretary from 2020-2023. He now sits on the board and chairs the social events committee and serves on the Rainbow Challenge committee. Mike's priority is to plan social activities so members can get to know one another. Mike retired in 2020 and volunteers at various non-profits. Before retiring, Mike co-owned a business that designs and distributes backyard play equipment. Aside from golf, Mike skis, plays pickleball, runs, mountain bikes, and travels. He's seasonal and spends the rest of the year in Coronado and Park City.

Sean Peterson, Board Member/ Membership Coordinator

Sean has been with the Stonewall Golfers since 2013. Served as Event Coordinator from 2016-2017. He was elected to the board in 2023 as the club’s Membership Coordinator with a mission to keep the club growing strong and continue our long tradition of inclusiveness, friendship, fun and Golf!


Celine Cooper, Board Member

Celine joined Stonewall in 2013. She was elected the board in 2023.

Jake Daly, Board Member

Deb Knowles, Board Member

Deb joined Stonewall in 2019, the Board of Directors in 2021 and became the Board Secretary in 2024. She has been a member of the Rainbow Challenge Committee since 2022. Deb, her wife Susan and Kiki the Australian Shepard share their time between San Francisco and LaQuinta. Deb began a retirement transition from her Wealth Advisory practice in 2021 and now does all things golf. She serves as Treasurer for a non-profit that provides college scholarships for golf career aspired women and Secretary for an international golf fellowship. Deb is a Course Rater for both the NCGA and GolfWeek.

Email Contact Info:     By mail: P.O. Box 2891, Palm Springs CA 92263-2891    Privacy Policy    Terms of Service